About Gil

The short version:

I am the co-author of a relatively popular digital marketing textbook, and the co-founder of a relatively unknown PPC agency. I spend my time writing emails, books, caffeinating, and being a contrarian in general. After an early career freelancing for NGOs and visiting 50+ countries, I now live in a small city in the Ozarks with my wife Anya, our dog Frodo, a few fun cars, books, various toys, and a refrigerator.

The long version:

I’ve been doing stuff on the ‘net ever since I had access to a modem. At the age of fifteen, I built my first website for $1300, promptly spent that cash on a shoulder-mounted TV camera, and I’ve been making stuff ever since.

I spent the first few years out of college as a “creative” doing freelance media work for nonprofits. I contracted for NGOs, paid the rent by doing crappy local TV commercials, wore hazmat suits in Ebola units, drove around in Land Rovers with AK-carrying guards, bribed and motorcycled my way through Asia, Latin America, Europe, and every corner of Africa.

I am now a “recovered creative”. Outside of my day-to-day work at Discosloth, a PPC agency co-founded with my wife, I’ve created/run/sold various internet sites & communities focused on topics I enjoy. We write books on marketing in our spare time.

I moved to Europe for several years, during which period I got married, lived in several different countries, and settled down in Fayetteville, Arkansas – where I can have a garage, and Anya can have a dog. I now spend my free time working on German cars, playing with European guns, and writing more emails.


Led Zeppelin
analog synthesizers
Ray Bradbury
off-grid systems

Pink Floyd

Daft Punk
Star Trek
Sequential Prophet
Magic: The Gathering

Contact me

Either follow me on X, or send hate mail to spam@gilgildner.com