

My latest book is due out on September 20th. Unorthodoxy: A Contrarian Marketer’s Philosophy For Surviving The Dying Internet is a philosophical take on how the internet as we know it is dying, how most people are actually on the bottom of the bell curve, and how we really aren’t that unique or creative after all. Misanthropic, perhaps, but true nonetheless. The internet has changed from decentralized & diverse to centralized & platform-focused. This changes what we need to focus on as marketers, as sales guys, as brands, as humans in general. Look for more information closer to release. This book is a departure from our earlier tactical books. My entire goal is to show how we have to shift… Read More »Unorthodoxy

Big ideas

I have watched agile methodology kill companies. Agile methodology originated in the software world and bled into every other world. Distilled down, it’s the concept that instead of dedicating a lot of time and energy into one big project, you should break it up into little bite-sized sprints, build a little bit at a time, and test small things before you commit to a big thing. It’s good in theory, and it works for some sorts of projects, but when you apply it to business it is pretty much a recipe for mediocrity. Big success requires big ideas. Big ideas require big work. Let me illustrate. I once worked with a company that wanted to be innovative, but was actually… Read More »Big ideas

Blood Meridian

The kid spat into the fire and bent to his work.I aint heard no voice, he said.When it stops, said Tobin, you’ll know you’ve heard it all your life.  – Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy